Friday, February 25, 2011

Stylish Shoes - Lori-Ann Marino

New-Product Strategy
This product would become the hot new shoe for women to wear. This shoe would be equipped to be a stylish high heel shoe at any given time of the day. You could wear your high heel while you're at work or at lunch with a client, or dancing the night away but the minute you start walking home from your long day at work, the woman can simply slip off the high heel and their heel magically turns into a stylish form-fitting flat shoe.

Idea Generation
This idea came to me because whenever I wear high heels I know I can only stand them for half of the night. They are great to wear in the beginning and to dance in but once the end of the night comes nad you begin to slow down and realize all the walking you need to do, every step becomes more and more painful. Instead of walking around in your bare feet on the nasty New York City pavement you can simply slip off your heels and wear your flat shoe. The way the shoe is going to be designed resembles the way a rental snowboards bindings click into its boots. This is how I came up witht he idea in general. I thought of the clicking concept. A simple push together of the two buttons would unclick the heel to create the flat shoe.

Idea Screening
The main problem with this shoe is that I must make sure that at no point in time the heel will just pop off because somehow the buttons got pushed together. It would be very dangerous for someone to lose their heel in the middle of walking or dancing while the other heel is still fully intact. I also want to make sure that the style of the shoe, whatever it may be, will never get affected. I want this type of heel or flat to look like any other shoe out there, no matter how outrageous it may be.

Business Analysis
This product would pretain to mostly females, of course. But any type of female of any profession. It can pretain to teenagers of a certain age depending on their parents but to moms, and grandmas and hey maybe even great-grandmothers. Parents may even let their kids wear a heel like that since it comes with a flat at any convience.

The development of this product should not be too difficult. I would have to take the concept of the snowboard clips like a stated before. I am sure that I would need to do trial and error to make sure I am using the right technique of the equipment that I want. A shoe is obviously a shoe, nothing of the shoe would really change only of course to how the customer would want it.

Test Marketing
I would test my market on girls who like to go out to the club. I really feel like this is where it will hit the most. Also, business women would be a great amount of women to test. A lawyer is a great example. Someone who needs to be wearing heels at a certain time of day but right after the trial is over she can switch right over to her flats.

At first this product will be hard to commercialize. The best way for it to be seen would be on something like the home network channel, but it is very difficult to get on the network. So my first plan to get my product out there would maybe be word of mouth, selling to family members and maybe to stores like Payless. Hopefully the word would get out and more stores would want to sell my product and soon enough maybe a high name brand will want to take it over.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Scool Bus Detector Alison Shaffer

New-Product Strategy
The School Bus Detector is a device similar to a radar detector. All buses will be equipped with a device that sends out signals to a device in your car. The signal will reach up to a half a mile away and will alert the driver that there is a school bus ahead. This will make the roads safer, giving people more time to slow down. It will also allow for less bus accidents and injuries because no one will have to worry about coming around a corner and seeing a stopped bus in front of them.

Idea Generation
When I had eight o'clock classes, I was always getting "stuck" behind buses. Which was a hassle, but nothing was as bad as coming around the corner or up over the hill and there being a stopped bus right there in front of me. If there were such a device, I would be aware that I was approaching a bus and I would be very aware of my surrounds and be slowed down so there were no surprises or accidents.

Idea Screening
I think the biggest difficulty with the product would be creating the signal that is strong enough to warn vehicles up to half a mile away. The other problem would be making sure that if the person were driving with the radio on or using their cell phone, they would be able to hear the noise and react to it positively. Also as it would be similar to a radar detector, we would have to make sure that it wasn't able to pick up on radar guns or any other signal.

Business Analysis
The product would definitely appeal to schools, parents, teachers, families, friends, almost everyone. If it got big enough, it may even appeal to car companies and the could install the system in every model. It would need to be affordable and readily available to every one.

This would be the most difficult step of the whole process. It would take a lot of research and development to come up with the right materials. It would also take a lot of time to actually put the product together bring that you have to make sure that everything you put into it works properly and that it works properly once it is all together. I think another problem in this step would be technology. There would be a lot of technology that goes into each and every part of the product and it would also be different technology in each part. The bus would have to have different equipment than the car. The bus needs to transmit and the car needs to receive.

Test Marketing
I believe the best test market should be our local schools. The buses should be equipped with the transmitters and parents should be given the receivers. This would give great feedback to the company because parents would be the toughest judges on something that affects the safety of their children.

I believe that the product should be produced by top name companies like GM and Toyota. If they were not able to be produced by those particular companies I would like to see that they are at least promoted by these companies and similar ones. If you put something that aids safety of children in a family car from a family trusted company, you are almost guaranteed success!